Find Us on These Social Networks
- Click the button above to be directed to our Google business page
- A small window will pop-up
- Please select a star rating with 1 star being the lowest and 5 stars being the best rating
- Please leave an honest review in the text area
- If you have any, please add a photo or two for your review
- Click the Post button
- Done, thank you!
Facebook Reviews have recently changed. You are no longer required to select a number of stars but rather select whether you recommend or you don’t recommend us. The steps are the following:
- Use the button above to be taken to Facebook or go to
- Usually found on the left side, find the box that says, “Do you recommend Sunny Oaks Lake Bastrop RV Park?”
- If you do, click Yes
- A pop-up will appear with a text area where you can write your review
- The text area has a place holder text asking, “What do you recommend about Sunny Oaks Lake Bastrop RV Park?”
- Please leave us a honest review in this text area
- Click the Post button
- Done, thank you!