Our new site is live!
We’re so excited to launch our new website. The will be the new home for all of our wonderful RV parks. With the launch of this new site, we are building a blog to keep everyone in our park update with park related events, area event and attractions, rv upkeep suggestions and more!

Previously known as Sunny Oaks RV Park, Sunny Bastrop RV Park is still the same great park run by the same owners. We are updating branding and making upgrades throughout the park. A significant upgrade is the new concrete pads being poured for select spaces.

Sunny Oaks Lake Bastrop RV Park is being rebranded to Sunny Meadows RV Park but just liked Sunny Bastrop, we are still the same great park run by the same owners. Sunny Meadows is getting a few upgrades too. As select spaces open, we will be looking to upgrade them to concrete slabs. We have done a lot of work with our pond to improve water conditions and growth of our fish.
Still under construction
Construction is still happening in the background to fine tune things as we find issues. Please bare with us if you run into an issue.